Friday, November 4, 2016

2nd Grade Secondary Color Owls

These owls are absolutely adorable!  I loved making them with the 2nd graders!

We painted papers with Orange, Violet and Green, then used paint scrapers to add texture.

We layered our owl pieces to create a collage affect.  The eyeballs are totally hilarious!

Author/Illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh visits and Inspires Jefferson Art Students

Recently our school was very fortunate to have the talented author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh come and visit grades 3-5.  In honor of his visit all students in these grades did Art lessons inspired by his work.  4th grade created Aztec masks, 3rd grade created Aztec inspired radial symmetrical "suns" using metal tooling.  5th grade drew personal self-portraits in the style of our visiting author.

Jefferson Artists of the Month-November 2016

This year at Jefferson school we will be celebrating Art in a new and exciting way!
Each month we will choose 2 students who demonstrate amazing, talent, skill and effort in their
Art classes.  Mrs. Bunke will choose one student from the K-2 group and one student from the 3-5 classrooms.  Each student will have their picture taken with Mr. Pethan and awarded a Art Award Certificate.

For November Layla V. from Kindergarten was selected with her Latin American Fish Mola.
Also, Hazel B. from Fifth grade was chosen for her Spooky Tree painting.